Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Great Minnesota Get Together

The Minnesota State Fair
For Labor day weekend the family went down to the state fair. It was a great day. The last time I was there was 5 years ago. I totally understand why I only go every so often. You eat great food but get a stomach ache after you're all done. So Here is the list that we ate between every one (we all shared each others food so we could try more):
Lots of Cheese Curds, Pronto Pups, French Fries, Cinnamon Roll, Cheesecake on a Stick, Bacon on a Stick, Milk Shakes, Ice Cream Cone,mini donuts, Sweet Martha's Cookies, Deep Fried Pickles (MY FAVORITE), and lots of liquid to wash everything down.
I'm sure there is some that I missed. It's a good thing the fair is only for 2 weeks out of a year.
So a little update on the Schooling.
We are finishing up another quarter of school. Only 4 more to go. We both hope to make it on the Dean's List, perfect 4.0, and perfect attendance again this quarter. By this time next year, we will be getting ready for graduation!! YAY!! That time cannot come soon enough. But for right now we have 6 papers to write in approximately 2 weeks....so don't be expecting another post for a while....what's new right?? =)

1 comment:

Emma said...

Yum, fair food.

Hang in there with your schooling! You guys will be done before you know it! Just keep telling your self it will be so worth it!!!