(September 29th)
I started back to work a week and a half ago. I started on a Thursday to ease back into it. The Monday before I started back, I thought I was ready to be back in a normal routine. I had daycare all lined up and everything in order....or so I thought. I thought between David having 2 days off every 2 days, mom & dad being able to watch Alli on Monday and only having to have daycare 1 day one week and 2 days the next that it was going to work out very nicely.
Tuesday night before I started work, I got a call from the lady that was going to do daycare saying that she took on a full time infant and couldn't watch Alli since she was only going to be a part time infant. You can imagine how frustrated I was....I started back to work in 2 days and had no daycare. Luckily I started back on days that David was home with Alli. Also....I'm VERY lucky to have an awesome aunt and uncle that are retired and willing to help us out by watching Alli when we ask them.